Forgive Me
Forgive me Lord for not being happy;
with what I have and what I own,
I feel so ashamed of myself;
how I constantly moan and groan.
I may not own everything material;
like a nice house or a new car,
but what I do have Lord;
outweighs all of that and more.
I have three healthy wonderful children;
some women cannot conceive,
Some children are very sick or dying;
how their poor parents must grieve.
My children receive three meals;
each and every day,
There are children who are starving;
they are slowly wasting away.
I get upset how small our home is;
embarrassed the furniture is worn and old,
some people have no home to go to;
they sleep outside in the cold.
I have a husband and three healthy children;
They love me and I love them,
I realize now I have truly been blessed;
I will never complain again.