Found Fine Anchored In His Love
I know I'm not But sometimes I feel lost;
As though I'm living in unfamiliar surroundings.
It is as though I'm tossed and driven by the waves out on the wind-driven ocean-
Like a ship that has been blown off course always in motion and constantly
Life gets so shaky and uncertain that it seems I'm not going to make it-
Because the pressures of Life appear insurmountable, more than I can bear;
But then I realize I can because I'm found: fine: anchored in HIS Love.
I know I'm not But sometimes I feel alone, completely left on my own
As though there's no one but me And I wonder if I can go on
I feel that no one really understand or even cares-
But then I realize I'm safe in the Arms of the Father
And HE makes me strong-
Because I'm found: fine: anchored in HIS Love.
I know I'm not But sometimes I feel bound-tied up inwardly and hindered by life's
That I can't see how to turn things around-
But then I realize that I am free For HE has appointed it to be;
So, I REST; I'm at ease; comforted
Because I'm found-uninhibited-fine: anchored in HIS Love.
In His Love, anchored, I would rather be lost.
In His Love, anchored, I can be alone.
In His Love, anchored, I can be and am free-
To be every and any thing HE wants me to be;
In HIS Love, I'm living, found: fine: anchored, now and forever will be.