Found In Jesus Christ Alone
How can we change
The world from its sun?
Can we break the night and day?
Do we have the strength to turn
Away all our sins and dismay?
How can we change
The Son from His reference point?
Can we alter the path He chose?
Do we have the faith to believe
In the power of His Word and Blood?
How can we change
Our pre-existing conditions?
Do we have the courage to stand
And accept the truth of His mission?
Whether we believe it or not
The Bible is true!
Jesus died on the cross and rose again!
We must submit to His will and not shun
The power of His grace and rein.
We are born to love God
And love and forgive each other!
No matter what we may think or feel
Our lives must be guided by the Father.
The panacea for emotional and physical
Brokenness in life and culture
Found in Jesus Christ alone!
He is the only one who can break our chains
And save us from our own misery.