Fountain of Youth
I began to stride near the lake that never sleeps, never moves, just lays plain in
its serenity deep blue.
I just watch as the water lives, with no emotion, with a glazed and bautiful great
love that propels past the boundaries of a mans devotion.
I just admire at the the plain representation it gives, for without it all the people,
all the life, all the animals, all that glorifys, all the honor,all my memories, will
have never lived.
I just love how it seeps through my hair with curious fingers feeling me so
completely that it surpases any other physical integrity.
I wonder what lay in its anchor deep depths as it holds secrets that no man
would want to forget, or even dare to regret.
I just start to cry as the sun begans to die over the heads of the trees and shines
its array of colors on the silver mirror surface of the gargatuan deep.
I just regret how Ive waisted my life working all day and through the expansion of
I just love how it gives me a scene to remember my youth in its fountain so blue.