Fragile Hearts
F inally you appeared, right out of the blue
R andom chance that I would ever meet you
A fter all that we've been through
G od knew that our hearts were fragile too
I nstead of searching for love in vain
L ove has brought us here together
E ternal bliss supplants stormy weather
H appiness was found here in your smile
E verything you do, makes life worthwhile
A fter you, there could never be another
R ipples of you will go on forever
T rials and tribulations are in store, but
S ay you will stay with me forevermore
F allen victims of tragic love
R esurrected emotions, just to be
A nihilated by deception again
G oes against my will, and common sense
I ntuition tells me not to trust again, then
L ove conquers all of my fears and
E ventually, you ease my pain
H appiness is transitory at best
E xcept when you find a love that is true
A ll you can do, is guard your fragile heart
R efuse to give it away, unless they are
T rustworthy of character, Divine
S o bring down your walls, and let love's light shine
John Derek Hamilton
September 25,2016