Fragrant Spices of Life
L ive, laugh and love are fragrant spices of life
I n times of desperation, refreshing to the soul
V eils and smoke screens placed around each bend
E every illusion designed precisely to deceive
L et The Holy Spirit be your guide, rely not on what you see
A nd let it lead you safely through the maze
U nder currents may disengage firm footings self-assured
G ather up faith, hope, charity and love, adorn them as your shield
H old on tenaciously in the storms, for more precious than gold, you are
L eave burdens you cannot carry; let them fall where 'er they may
O ften times they tend to overwhelm, stirring up mental storms
V izualize the heart of innocents, see how no care nor worries it bears
E ach day, resolve to take the time to live, love and laugh