Framed In Memory
Your face in the wind
the ebon hair enmeshed unbridled
some swirled wildly surfing in the gale
some twirled untamed on the forehead
created a web of tempting pattern enigmatic
trapping my mind in the tangle
lest the facade dwindled away in oblivion
I kept it framed in memory.
Your face in the wind
the winged eyebrows sculpted
one supine on the ripples of wind
the other dancing to the tune of its whisper
propped the flushing forehead in case it fell
closing the sparkling eyes
lest the glint melted away in oblivion
I kept it framed in memory.
Your face in the wind
the luscious lips pursed alluring
flashed with the dissolved rainbow hues
radiating the spectrum of your love
I saw painted on your face of flower
the petals unfurled on the contours of your smile
lest it withered away in oblivion
I kept it framed in memory.
Your face in the wind
charismatic patina of cheeks caressed
glowed at the touch of the rising sun
flooding the face with the aura of exuberance
draped by the glinting grace divinely illuminated
flickering in the flame of candle in the wind
lest the beauty faded away in oblivion
I kept it framed in memory.
September 20, 2021