a wealthy young man ,son of a cloth merchant man!
handsome deep brown eyes and dark brown hair!
singing sweet melodies breathing fresh air!
young and free rich as can be!
living the pleasures of life,
a bachelor not owning a wife,
having it all and searching for more!
Francesco my brother,my friend,
one day you were sick on your bed,
low fever banging knocking your head,
you realized all that you wanted
was to run from the life that you led!
removing your embroided gold dress,
running naked and feeling his bless,
dressing the new you,the humble and true!
gave all to the poor money clothes getting rid of them all!
you felt free,no more a slave of the ironed diamond chains!
many women children and men gossiping
francesco turned mad overnight,a lunatic!
your dad ashamed of you, son !had to lock you inside!
your mama understanding loving and kind ,
your father still angry and blind.
You left from your PALACE, your HOUSE not your HOME!
a FREE SPIRIT ,lord guiding your paths,never alone,
nothing you owned now except your own soul,
the preeching of gospel was your only goal.
Penance Love and Peace your daily believes,
living with beggars,curing lepards in streets.
FRANCESCO- the son of a rich wealthy man
running naked peniless giving all your HEART can!
followers were reaching to you
believing in OUR ONLY CREATOR and in skies ever blue!
FRANCESCO-building huts by your own working hand
in sweet serene villages sowing seeds,in Assisi your land!
one an icy cold day a beautiful woman approaching your way
a blooming flower claire was her name,saint claire is today!
She left all behind,a girl sharing your dreams!
love peace repantance flowing in streams!
for her you builT a place too,without having a penny or two
YOU trusted your God,Never decieving you!
Never ending wine in barrels was providence, always coming through!
Faithful to your Lord !your father of heaven,
burning desire for your POVERTY MADAM!
to her you were wedded ,all days of your life,
never strayed from her,your precious POVERTY WIFE!
Hymns and Prayers ,HEART generous ,SOUL kind!
brave soldier in shining armour of lightwisdom in mind!
FRANCESCO my favourite saint
Humble you are but Honoured your name