Love Poem: Franciscan Swissophiles
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Franciscan Swissophiles

part of my own historic root system,
has a Bill of Rights for vegetation,
protecting rights of intrinsic dignity
with concomitant human respect for their healthy and aesthetic purposes.
It is not OK to merely throw away 
without regard for future seedling’s rights of vital procreation
for holistically co-invested species.

More recently,
Pope Francis has been protecting rights of sacred dignity,
with concomitant human respect for healthy polycultural purpose,
rather than throwing away our wildflower vegetation,
our LGBTQ AlphaMeta Networking Soup,
our women and Earth’s poor and marginalized,
whether incarnating as humane-potentiating nature,
or other forms of networking spirits.

It’s sad to discover your ego’s co-relational label 
as a needy one voice
a greedy one for two or even more choices,
to need active love more inclusively re-ligioned than anyone
you could ever dare to re-connected know.

Pope Francis,
polyculturally principled developers everywhere,
Swiss vegetation,
what is and is not naturally embryonic
about regenerating without 
also felt within Landscapes,
before and after health
wealth care views
of non(0)-soul win/win economies,
this divine race through bilateral time’s vulnerable Now
transparent Here/There co-emergence,
zero-animistic revolution 
simplifying neuro/eco-logical 
enlightened cooperative economics.

Mutual respect for all sexsensory systems
embracing RNA’s extended family Elders,
resiliently regenerating healthy love
for all Earth’s Tribes of synergetic life,
interior as exterior climate-enhancing

Sacred Tao
yang/yin bi-hemispheric ego/ecosystems,
engaging ecologic’s RNA/DNA fractal syntax
universally uniting 
pre-verbal enlightening
EarthTribe cooperative powers
re-creating grace-filled health outcomes.

Yet it remains hard to play life’s prodigy
without prodigal influx of divine trust
in resonant lust for deep sensory time
sufficient for mutual health-caring love

When taking care of beloved vegetation
engages co-therapeutic love returns 
of lovely empowering economics
loving love’s Other (0)-Soul 
unbalanced anthro-supremacist 
LeftBrain dominant
RightWing entitled egos.

Active hope 
for multi-sensory re-vegetating networks
is not spiritualized absence of comprehension.

Active love anticipates co-redeemers
co-arising Bodhisattva ProGenitors
stretching toward multisensory enlightenment
to continue re-ligioning worship 
of SunGod's lightning husbandry.

Active re-ligioning 
awakens re-connecting 
love life times

Co-empathically feeling 
enlightened pan-sexsensory
co-infested beauty,
on whose sacred co-investment 
we can resonantly continue
to resiliently revolve,
nature nurturing permacultural re-investments
in AnthroEgo’s capital
EarthSensory sacred body.

Inside Egos love,
with all outside EarthLives,
to remember our DNA/RNA double-binding principles 
of active neuro-sexsensory re-ligioning

This re-connecting co-vegetating web 
of EarthTribe's regenerative intent
actively resisting 
EarthMother's degenerating 
RightWing traumatizing discontent

Parched vegetation,
starving pedestrian root systems,
unwise Othering
non-indigenous lack of re-ligioning love.

It feels important to see oneself
as greedy for beloved neuro/eco-sensory prodigy 
of sacred EarthMother's esteem,
to intentionally know passion 
for all organic re-ligioning neurosystems
you would ever wealthy care 
to polyculturally healthy grow.

NetWorking Bills
and chills 
of TransParent Rights
and Lefts
religiously rooted in humane revegetating nature

Now root therapy disempowered
anthro-supremely dissociated
from RNA’s matriarchal re-memories 
of multisensory health v. pathology

Economic anthro-wealth
v poor in politically spiritual 
re-ligioning health 
for all EarthMother's co-vegetating 
sacred sentient species.