Frank Gard 1887-1912
Frank Gard
I loved her as much as Jesus loves his bride.
My friends, she was my saintly intended, indeed!
Created by my God especially for me; this beautiful flower,
This unmatched star in all the galaxy! She was,
Innocence personified; the apex of all that is holy and good.
Ivey Walker had no sins; she walked with the magnificent vestal virgins, indeed!
Always alert to the sacred consuming flames within her pure self!
A goddess-like lady of the highest class and caliber; upright and chaste,
Never wont to surrender her graces to me, or any man or mouse!
Even as I proposed, and held her close that night,
Those saintly untouched lips, those wonderful bashful eyes,
Refused to respond to my manful pleadings, and she said no to me.
Shocked and stricken, I stood there and said “Wonderful!”
For I expected this abject denial, this crushing brush off.
Who was I to think I deserved this highest ideal,
This quintessential embodiment of perfect female love?
Not I, indeed. For as a lowly sinner, I confess!
I confess that I secretly desired to find God within her holy tabernacle.
I confess that I secretly wanted to crown her the Queen of Heaven,
With trembling holy fingers, and sweet wine from my manful flask!
But I was not worthy of her! Indeed!
God almighty in heaven!
Damn me to hell for wanting to kiss Ivey Walker’s saintly hand!