Love Poem: Freaks of Nature
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Written by: Linda Doster

Freaks of Nature

Freaks of nature we are few 
who once were one and now are two. 
God took his hand to part the seed 
for on the earth he saw a need 
for two souls birth and not just one, 
until all work on earth was done. 
Freaks of nature we are few 
who once were one and then were two. 

Two souls did birth and took each life 
to live with love as did their Christ. 
And down life's path they each would turn, 
out on their own so they would learn. 
About man's faith and troubled ways 
and teach of love and God's true grace. 
Called freaks of nature they were few 
who once were one but lived as two. 

Their families grew and moved through life 
and ventured out beyond their sight. 
Soon knowing their job here was done 
and standing with The Shinning Son. 
As each did enter each would leave, 
as God so whispers up each breeze . 
They entered life by God's own hand 
and will return to promised land. 

As life did start and then was two 
God saw now what he was to do, 
Return the broken seed to one 
and make it whole since life was done. 
Once Freaks of nature who were few, 
returns to one, but lived as two. 
