Freddy the Fly Takes a Bride
Freddy the Fly,
Now back from the moon,
Noticed on his calendar,
That it was now June...
The wedding month,
thought our dear Freddy,
But a fly has a short life,
So then, before I'm dead,
I gotta' find a fly-wife!!
So Freddy flew
all abouts the world
Searching for,
the perfect fly-girl
Finally he was rewarded,
When Nicole Fly he did meet,
He got so excited,
He stepped on her fly-feet
But the attraction seemed mutual,
Like a fly to horse manure,
But when they did converse,
They both were very sure,
Freddy proposed his
fly matrimonial hope,
Nicole said yes, let's
go elope....
But a wise Freddy the fly,
Did look her in the eye,
He knew she'd someday
Such a simple way to beget,
So he told her of his plan,
For the biggest fly-wedding
in all the land,
The solemn day came real quick,
A Sunday wedding, they did pick
And as it did unfold,
This story I was told,
He'd waited for her hand to hold,
To place on her fly-hand the ring gold,
Dressed in his little fly-tux,
Fly guests tried to hold their yucks,
And Nicole, in her fly gown,
Flew about, then up, then down,
To land on the fly-alter,
Not for a fly minute did she falter,
Said, "Yes, Fly Priest, I do!!...
And if's all the same to you.....
Would you get off my fly wedding cake,
It took so long for the fly-baker to make"
And Freddy's anxious to leave at once,
On a fly honeymoon, for sure,
But, alas, I almost forgot-
No "moon" in the honeymoon- no more!
For Freddy had eatten the romantic moon,
It tasted like sh_t, and it did ruin,
The moonlight for kissing was there no more,
So to fly-sleep they went,
and soon began to fly-snore.....
Now a Freddy Fly's snore is an event to behold,
At least as a fly-story, we've been told
Nicole , she couldn't sleep
As Freddy fly-snored deep,
She flew off and let the fly groom,
Wake up next fly-day to fly-gloom!