Free Cee a True Story About My One True Love
Where would I be had I never met you?
I suppose it would be in yet another bar
now I love you and everything you do
and to me you've become an newly discoved star
you shine as brightly as any star in the sky
be it the north star or any other you can name
now everyday I pray to never hear your goodbye
and if you do leave I will be the one to blame
you suffered so much when I went off the wagon
yet never dismissed me out of your days and nights
too often i'd become mean as a fire breathing dragon
yet you suffered through my unjust fights
you keep me tethered to the ground
and pull the string to bring me back to earth
I feel safe and secure whenever you're around
and I can't compute how much to me you are worth
you are worth all the money i'll ever own
and my devotion and love will never even the score
what I fear most is that you'll leave me all alone
because I couldn't love you any more
© 2012...PHREEPOETREE ~free cee!~