Free My Mind
Free My Mind
By Kevin Robey
July 27, 2013
The darkness never stops, it over-pursues
I can’t put down my thoughts of you
So I put on the mask, and freeze my heart
The pain I should have seen from the start
Empty inside, I’ll wear an inviting smile
That tells you I’m ok if only for a while
When numbness ensues, it will be true
I’ll see the night sky and enjoy the view
‘Cause you won’t be here, but neither will I
I’ll bury my eyes in the depths of my alibis
This game of deceit is a victim less crime
It ensures the survival of my fragile mind
With the weight on my heart finally lifted
My smile free of a mind that slowly drifted
I’ll finally see the windy roads in front of me
That will bring me to you, and the life I see
One day I’ll remember the lies that will dress my breath
That once saved my weary heart from a certain death
Forgiveness will be in line from my mind that I’ve defied
Knowing the price is justified to re-align these bright eyes