Free Power - Part One
Free Power
R - M A D - N
free power
from its fetters
no power without the people
does power arise from any other source
than through the intent to control confine confiscate con conk conjure
computerize contort compel complicate concoct compress concuss conflict
confute condemn corrupt collar convict collectivize confound
concenter communalize collogue collude collonize commandeer
compartmentalize castrate calumniate crucify combinate cutdown curtail
curryfavour curb cully cuff cuckold crush crunch cross-question curveball
conform confuse criticize croak criminate crash cramp cram crackdown
covert counterplan
countermine counterfeit counterattack corrode convert contrive
contaminate constrain consecrate
connive conquer
power is a venomous snake
that sheds its skin
but not its venom
free power from its sting
free power from belief
from self-righteousness
from don’t-not-look-at-me aloofness
from protective-damnedness
from ego-centred-ness
from megalomanic mindlessness
from aryo-apartheid-ness
from i’m-right-Jack exclusiveness
from self-opining holiness
from crass-headed-ness
from puritanic-mule-headedness
from airy-fairy grandiloquence
from haughty vengefulness
from scary authoritarianism
from the love of command
from sexually dominating abusiveness
from un-empathic tightfistedness
from back-scratching dastardliness
from building castles in the air-ness
from masonic clubbiness
from musty brotherhood-ness
from stealing and selling-ness
from never-enough greediness
from carion-loving usury
from thoughtless puttingdown-ness
from self-aggrandizing acquisitiveness
from the love of pomposity
from the seclusive-ness of honours
from fawning and flattery
from foggy non-visibility
from armoured parades
© T. Wignesan, Fresnes-Paris, May 14-17, 1997. From the collection : « Poems Omega Plus : a less than obvious sequence », Paris, 2005.