It was that auspicious midnight,
which brought thousands of smiles and great delight.
Breathed that air, which was very much theirs,
My people sang and danced with lovely cheers.
It was a day of freedom., liberty from the clutches.
But today's captivity, to the heart it touches.
Wake up, Oh! humam, you are the captive of your vices.
Let loose yourself or else you will be in pieces.
Pride and ego have captured your mind.
For which a true acquaintance you will never find.
Achieve your freedom against these evils.
That will make you divine peoples.
Envy and revenge go hand in hand.
Fetch you nothing but leave your heart tanned.
Liberate your heart from these atrocity.
Raise yourself high above any animosity.
High above the vices, as you rise.
You will find yourself in holy skies.
Deep within your heart you will find.
A Pure soul and the holy mind.
This is what is called a real freedom.
Achieved by earthly person with divine wisdom.