Freudian Slip
A poet's soul lay in slumber,
his pen a distasteful adversary.
A suffering soul lost in yesterday,
stumbled upon his somnolent path.
Enchanted eyes felt her nakedness
through barriers of her cryptic veil.
Echoing tremors of her broken soul
gently charmed his hardened heart.
Enraptured by her enchanted tears
he joined her capricious journey.
Her enigmatic elegance inspired his
zealous zealot pen to ooze musings
praising their charismatic camaraderie.
Drifting into the anomaly of her mind,
he became a victim of a Freudian slip.
Voices tormented her malinger mantra,
suffocating her into a maudlin malaise.
Reprehensible words led to bruised ego,
unjustifiable actions led to lonely silence.
An aroma that expired with her last petal.
A poet's soul lays in slumber,
his pen a distasteful adversary.
Silent One
Simple Musing
23 January 2018
Freudian slip
a slip-up that (according to Sigmund Freud) results from the operation of unconscious wishes or conflicts and can reveal unconscious processes in normal healthy individuals