Friends Are Not Happy About Them
We watched the them tiptoe around each other
On a sandy beach in Florida during a June moon
He was handsome, tall but not lanky, built right.
She was dainty, petite and she moved like a ballerina.
I am her friend, so I was not doing cartwheels.
There was something about him that felt sad.
I am always a bit shy of the injured puppy types.
She did not see it, he became “the one” in her mind.
His friends were not excited about her.
She is not from their preppy side of the world.
Was she a gold digger? Would she pull him down?
A spring break romance, none of us expected longevity.
We were all wrong. They have been married forty-eight years.
They have six children and seventeen grandchildren.
All because two teenagers began tiptoeing around each other
on a sandy beach in Florida during a June moon.