Caring, loving, cheerful, kind and understanding is the real definition of you...
That is who you are...
Your types are rare to find and hard to come by...
I cherish your understanding nature and your way of making life easy...
You appreciate everything no matter how little it is...
You actually treasured what we had and held it in your deepest memory...
You loved me greatly as a friend...
Your truthfulness gave me courage and desire to always move on...
Your honesty and smiles gave me hope when my hope went into the black world...
Your love always searches my soul and finds that tiny spark of life inside when I felt my
light has all gone off...
You always provided a shoulder for me to cry on when my tears are running down like rain
When I lost everything you never betrayed me...
You believed in me even when I and the world couldn’t believe in who I was any more...
You found me when I couldn’t find myself...
Every moment I shared with you is very priceless and precious to me...
Let’s make our stay together a memorable future ahead of us...
I want you to know that no matter what happens later in our future,
My love for you counts no wrong...