Friendship is a complex thing
that starts out very slow,
But, as the time tick tocks away,
it starts to grow and grow.
Some friends come and some friends go,
but this I have to say,
I knew right from the very start,
that You were here to stay.
You've been My Inspiration,
You've listened as I've cried,
You've stood by me through thick and thin,
You've NEVER left My Side.
Some Friends that I have Loved and Lost
were VERY Dear to Me,
But, Now I KNOW when I lost them,
that God sent You to Me.
He knew I needed Friends
that Forever Would Be True,
Friends that I Could Cherish,
and Love My Whole Life Through.
And so My Friends the time has come
for Me to say to You,
I'll ALWAYS be Right By Your Side
to Love and Care for You.