Friendship Bracelets - the Shadorma Style
~Friendship Bracelets~
Nice friendship bracelets
So pretty
I love making them all time
And wear them, they're great!
Folks like them
Many make them too
Some wear them
Some sell them
Many just give them away
To a special friend
Are friendship bracelets
With threads knotted
Made with love
And ready then just to wear
On your very wrist
Just like them
Very much indeed
I believe
They're so cool
Very neat in every way
Not so hard to make
I make them
One, two, three, four, just
Follow steps
All the way
With any colours chosen
And number of threads
They are fun
To wear all the time
They're so nice
They look great
In any color you want
They are just awesome!
All handmade
Make them all with love
So special
A great gift
Some take a long time to make
But all is worthwhile.
Dorian Petersen Potter
aka ladydp2000
~ Author's Notes:
The " Shadorma " is a poetry form or style.