Friendships - the Real and the Possible
Can a friendship be real if its ship floats on eggshells?
Do friends call out friends when doubt rubs on an issue
or silently pray each sting’s pain’s just mirage?
Love’s integrity arcs through skys’ clouds like a rainbow!
Do rivers stay sweet when they mingle with oceans?
Let’s love as we dare but trust God knows what’s right!
Best songs mesmerize ears like stars seen on a clear night,
Can love that rings truest then tweak our emotions?
Truth shares what it feels but won’t call friend its foe!
And a friendship is subtle! Its path’s not a hodgepodge
of “Damn you!” and “Dear you!” “Hey, loan me a tissue?”
Won’t force histrionics or threaten farewells!
Brian Johnston
29th of December in 2020