Friendships Are Easy To End Hard To Rebuild
Friendship’s Are Easy to End…
Hard To Rebuild!
When it comes to friendships,
many are quick to “end it.”
I seldom see very few that try to “rebuild it.”
A harsh word said. An angry thought spoken.
Can often cause many friendships
to be broken!
Scripture says; “be quick to listen.” “Slow to speak.”
May we speak God’s grace each day of the week.
A broken friendship can cause feelings of anger.
And soon, our “ex-friend.” becomes a “stranger.”
God will not give you a trophy
for those you’ve “un-friended.”
May you ask for his love to have your
hearts “amended.”
Broken friendship can have
many repercussions.
Often leading to gossip and
back-biting discussions.
May we seek God’s forgiveness
to come back together.
May his love be the glue that
binds you forever!
Life is too short to end a friendship.
The person you left, could be going through a hardship!
May the peace and love of Christ bind us as one!
And bring a healing to every parent,
daughter and son!
By Jim Pemberton