From the Past
Of all the friends that I’ve known and lost
I reckon at times life will collect its cost
Sometimes the thought makes me sad
As I start thinking of the dreams we had
I know who was right and who was wrong
I reckon it all plays out like a country song
Life of the party is how the song did start
But I reckon it ended with broken hearts
As the years pass by and the memories fade
I remember how we thought we had it made
If life was a bull we had it by the horns
Got the rose by scratching through the thorns
I loved you all more than words can say
I never meant to hurt anybody in any way
But most of my life that was my only curse
I tried to make it better as it just got worse
Just as the guitar player starts a new cord
I turned my life and will over to the Lord
I’m setting here wishing you all could see
The light of the Lord shinning bright in me
I reckon life is less than funny that way
There are some things we never get to say
Things that are forever etched in the heart
Pulling all of us further and further apart
The Lord has given me a wonderful wife
Together her and I share a beautiful life
As far as our children it is beautiful to see
We have formed a melting pot of a family
From two families broken totally apart
We all do cherish each other’s hearts
I wrote this poem in hopes that someday
You’ll read my words and feel what I say
And know in your hearts its words are true
Especially the ones, “I love all of you”