From the Time After God's Creation
From The Time After God's Creation…
From the time after God’s beautiful creation…
Between man and God…
Sin has caused a separation!
When God looked down upon all of mankind.
Fellowship with man was what he had in mind!
We were all created to bring honor to his name.
But sin has brought much wickedness and shame!
Sin has created an enormous “moral cavity.”
Mankind has reached an “immoral depravity!”
Through God’s son, a way has been made.
His life for yours, on Calvary, was paid!
Though mankind sinned, God didn’t forget us!
Jesus is here right now! He never left us!
Through Christ’ blood, our lives can be cleansed!
A new life in Christ is where victory begins!
Won’t you come to the Lord who created you?
It is no secret how much he loves you!
Won’t you come? Why there’s still time?
God has a purpose and a plan with you in mind!
His grace and love can change you throughout!
Knowing Jesus is what true life is all about!
By Jim Pemberton