From Your Side
When I see you,
I feel love.
But it breaks,
From your side,
From your side.
Hm hmm,
Just to see you,
When it breaks,
A new one in,
Then I am aside,
Then I am aside,
Then I am aside.
You are in,
In my dreams,
But along with him.
I feel lonely,
Because I am aside.
I wish that,
That you will be mine,
One day,
And he will be aside.
And he will be aside!
Hm hm hmm….
It's my dream,
And dreams become true!
And dreams become true!
I do grip on you.
I do grip on you!
That day will come!
Then you will be mine.
Everything together,
And someone will step aside.
And someone will step aside.
When I see you,
I feel love.
But it breaks,
From your side,
From your side.
I just pray,
That you will be mine,
One day,
I do grip on you.
I do grip on you!
When I see you,
I feel love.
But it breaks,
From your side,
From your side.
Hm hmm,
Just to see you,
When it breaks,
A new one in,
Then I am aside,
Then I am aside,
Then I am aside.
I have seen,
Living together,
Living together.
But now I am aside.
From your side.