Frozen Heart
Your soul is
Ice cold
Frozen solid
Like concrete
You are like
Steel on the inside
Your human interactions
Are like that of a corpse
It is like you are dead
The beating of your
Heart has ceased
Your heart now lies dormant
Like an empty tomb
You feel no emotion
Just like a sociopath
You can feel no empathy
For you are numb inside
Void of any life
In a way though
You are like a vampire
Eternally searching
For your next host
To drain the life from
You shed no tears for
The ones that you have
Drowned in the abyss
That you wallow in
Despite possessing a rope
With which to pull
Yourself out with
Misery is all you know
So there you will remain
Until your last breath
Since your soul has been
Tormented for what
Seems like an eternity
You can never feel sorrow
For the darkness that you drag
Everyone into whose only sin
Was loving you