Frozen Hearted
The trees are covered with snow, as I sit underneath them writing my story
Of the love that I lost, wishing she was underneath my arm as if I were the tree
and she was me
I’m wearing the jacket that she gave me just under a year ago
Cherishing it I can still smell her scent on it, of Baby Peach shower gel
I can’t help but feel a tear start to drop but instead freezes just below my right
nostril, then drops to the ground as liquid
Outside it is 93 degrees, but the trees are covered with snow, because without
her warm love to cover me, my body will eventually freeze until my heart stops
beating because lack of love brings it no reason to beat
And my lungs shrivel, because I can’t breathe the same pure, loving air as she
And my legs don’t move because I have no need to walk unless walking to her
And my fingertips fall off because she is not here to touch
And I drop my pen…..
The trees are covered with snow, outside is 93 degrees
The love I lost brings no warm love, so I lay down and freeze