Frozen In the Heat
The sun takes its dark leave
Leaving night to reign again
For all the hours it’s assigned
The sun, I know, will rise again
To chase away the shadows haunting me
But until then I’m left feeling cold
Can’t you feel it in the wind?
See it raining from the sky?
Maybe it’s only me
Left hung out to dry
Freezing in the summer
Beneath the scalding summer sun
You were my source of light and heat
Now that you’re gone
It all seems to go a little slower
As if time itself had frozen still
The world’s so much colder
Down inside this crater we formed
With the edges we made far too smooth
Time will pass as it has done
All these years before and during
But then why am I still here?
In what seems like permanent mourning?
I can see what we had planned
A future burning brightly
But all that’s left now is the past
And my memories I clutch so tightly