Love Poem: Frozen Rose
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Written by: Lars Eriksen

Frozen Rose

no name
frozen rose
lost cause
and so simpleminded that it is

Quickstep my dear
that or Slow fox
no labdance
(my penis is only for pissing)

I own 6 nights and 8 days
they are only mine
(and yours
and yours
and yours 
and yours)
need more
but the bank is closed 
and my cash is spent
on cigarettes, beer and uncomfortable shoes
made in China
by a heartless little girl
who humped the neighbour’s son
and then just ignored him
for no reason at all
he killed him self 
(who wouldn’t?)

Empty stone
frozen rose
lost cause
roadless journey
bodyless traveller
no need to hitchhike 
you will get picked up

Heartless little girl
no name
no face
Winter here I come (and where the f.... is my Igloo?)

Broken bones
happy smile
green meadow and tired back
will meet

these trees never give up
(but refuses to tell me how they manage).

Lars Eriksen 2005