Frozen Starlight
Take pity upon me, for my heart knows love unyet my hands feel not her skin.
My eyes gaze upon the starlit night sky, natural cosmic diamonds whose beauty is nothing compared to hers within.
We meet briefly every month, for those hours our hands entwine.
The night is paused and all is frozen, the nights stars forever continue to shine.
Woe is us for our lives can never merge, know that my love is with you and our light shines bright.
Dark are my days until those hours of light, when thy smile eclipses the beauty of a million nights of starlight.
When lives come together our book is written, who can know what story our love will write.
To say love is blind is to have never understood it, such madness and passion encapsulates thy sight.
We see such beauty when in love, our eyes are not blind as all colours can be seen.
My story is written and paths have been taken, my life is filled with tales of what could have been.