Writer's block I curse at thee.
For you retain and censor my thoughts.
You keep me in. I want out.
Let me go. Save me.
This pain cannot leave, as you wall it in.
I stab at thee!
As you stab at me.
Let me out!
I want the rush, the sorrow. I want my blood to flow.
Thine memory let it be,
but moveth to the longest, farthest road.
Enjoyeth thoughst mine own feeling.
Poetry is a gift, a violent-less violence.
Steam filled train with a ticket to nowhere.
Let it burst through the gates and
let it be.
just leave
I am frustrated beyond repair and you frustrate me
Oh Captain, my Captain
rescue the damned
and I as well
I want more than this
Do not punish me for my treacherous way.
Please teach me.
I, I, I
I just want to know her warmth.
I just. I just, feel so cornered yet so open.
I, please, I just. Leave.
Forget it. I'll figure it out.