Fully Known, Yet Fully Loved
As children we are early told
that to be loved we must be good.
So, as adults, we try our best
to hide our flaws and to earn love.
At school, we follow the wrong crowd
to be a part of the ingroup.
We cut our nose and spoil our face
just to fit in with those around.
Such actions hurt us to the core
and leave us empty, wanting more.
We long to be loved for who we are
and not to feel like someone’s toy.
The intimacy that we seek
can only come when we are free,
to be ourselves and yet be loved
by the loved ones, who know us well.
The God who knows you fully well
also loves you with perfect love.
He sent His son to die for you
So, you can live eternally.
He will accept you as you are
but not leave you as you are.
His love will fully change your life
into the one of which you’ve dreamed.
So, stop seeking the love of those
who cannot love you as you are
Accept God’s offer of true love
and let Him give you a new life.