Lord why do funerals occur everyday of the WEEK?
Is it because, we get what Adam and Eve REAPED!
Funerals have people that will never again awake from their SLEEP!
The arrogant and the MEEK,
In the end, they all get buried six feet DEEP!
Every time I attend funerals I realize, everybody born has to DIE!
Lord, I wish I can be caught up in the rapture, so my loved ones will not have to
Many times when one dies, their love ones are not granted, the chance to say
Often at funerals not to cry people TRY.
I ask God why do we have funerals, but never do He REPLY.
So every time I attend a funeral, I will ask God WHY?
Funerals comes to all people, it does not depend on an individual AGE.
From the ignorant people to the wisest of SAGES.
When people get killed, funerals allows them to build up their RAGE!
As they watch their love ones, continue to be trapped in death’s CAGE.
Just hoping, from the dead they would be RAISED.
In the end you must face the facts, then turn to the next PAGE.
You hear about deaths on radio and T.V’S!
You think to yourself how can this BE!
You ask God, what did the individual do to THEE?
Then you think to yourself that could have been ME.
But you should not cry too much, if they were saved, they’re now heavenly HAPPY!
You will see them again in ETERNITY.
I blame Adam and Eve for funerals, it was with them did death ORIGINATE!
But knowing this, them I still will never HATE.
Because at funerals God promises He still DEMONSTRATES.
That no matter how much power and respect one has, in this life he still
Many people think after they die they will be REINCARNATED.
Others think because of their good works, them to hell God will not
To prevent death you will never find a CURE.
Funerals everyone must learn to accept and ENDURE
Everyone knows they have to die the devil comes like a thief, with Jesus their life
they shall INSURE.
If you do not accept Jesus Christ to hell you will DETOUR.
Funerals happen for a reason is what He wants us to CONCUR!