Galactic Strings Or Void of Space
Galactic Strings or Void of Space?
A poem’s akin to a necklace, one fashioned
of water-worn pebbles (from rarest of realms),
stone cold truths tumble-polished, love’s chord weaves together.
Do fossilized beads left behind in Life’s wake
spark faint hint that all poems bards write should despair?
Once stars in our nights thought mask’s pinholes that rationed
light shining from heaven (1): God’s truth overwhelms!
Is Life’s poetry less should we not grok its meter?
If rhyming’s subsonic, light’s waves don’t partake
(cause tympanic bone’s movement), Life’s music’s not there?
Did ‘Popes’ tell us, Earth’s “round!” or “flat!” as faith’s lackey!
Who claims rain’s sweet water once flooded the Earth
(so, diluting the ocean, life under waves perished),
though kangaroos, cheetahs, snow’s bears all survived
in their land homes, unknown! Chance of rescue by Ark?
Though tales shared with babies and school kids sound whacky
to ‘adults in faith,’ they’re ‘white lies,’ viewed with mirth!
Should folk fantasies ever be meat that is cherished?
Of course, ‘Truth’ needs chewing! Is ‘Substance’ contrived?
Once I grok, I’m not God, am I fire, or more spark?
God’s Science and Math (2), (not Religion’s ‘best’ thinkers,
usurpers of truth) , first two heart of what ‘IS,’
for such power is earned by agreement through research,
not preaching for dollars! “I AM!” makes you wrong
or divines that “You Are!” a reflection of Him?
Some say the ‘Big Bang’ makes faith tougher! (3) What tinkers
with ‘smoothness of space-time (4),’ finds clumps of what ‘tis
bound to ‘cosmic web’s lattice? (5)’ Whose muse bends a tall birch (6)
fresh poets might pine for? Strained prose limps along
as aged patriarchs place bets on ‘milk’ of ‘Praise Hymn?’
Religious faith looks like it’s empty of content!
To say, “I love God” leaves untouched who God is
and asks, “Why are you loved? You bring what to God’s table?”
Who loves what God loves? Do you think that’s enough?
It’s perhaps a good start. Do you love your failed heart?
“I AM,” who forgives all in faith, one blest portent
of God that’s worth loving. Creation is His,
understanding His gift, His Truth gives (NOT A FABLE!),
a life that’s worth living when living is tough.
To love Christ in yourself might be ‘rub’ that’s best part!
Brian Johnston
29th of October in 2020
Poet’s Notes:
(1) From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible suggests the Earth
is flat! The stars are pin-pricks in a mask that separates us
from the light of heaven. ‘God’s church’ has had a long history
of antagonism toward Science though Plato and others
thought the Earth round long before Christ’s arrival. Earth’s
roundness was a proven fact in several pre-Christian cultures.
(2) ALL religious texts can be “reinterpreted” by a reader
fairly quickly (QED) to suit the reader’s prejudices. Some early
Christians, for example, believed that Christ would return in
their lifetimes. People are still doing this though the Bible
clearly warns this is unknowable. Science and Math are both
different truths in that intelligent minds can prove that they
are demonstrably true. Math is abstract, and its proofs exact.
However, all scientific theories are never strictly true and may
improve with time. As pragmatic models of the truth, they
will never get proven to be exactly what God thinks is right. If
God is God, the way God perceives what’s real (God’s Creation,
after all!) will quite likely always be beyond our understanding.
(3) All scientific theories are ‘Models of Reality!’ Some are
more widely true than others, but faith is still required. They
may be useful to a greater or a lesser degree, even if their
models are eventually proven to be poor approximations of
new scientific observations. As one straightforward example,
modern Science reveals that gravity is not a real force but a
consequence of 4-dimensional space-time warping by masses.
Might this be an example of God’s sense of humor?
(4) If the “Big Bang” is real, one might feel tempted to guess
that matter is distributed evenly throughout the universe.
But it turns out that other factors make such a conclusion “a
false assumption!” It is more complicated than a simple bang!
(5) Modern satellite astronomy has revealed a web-like
structure to the distribution of galaxies in the universe! It’s as
if whole galaxies get scattered along stings of an invisible web.
However, the bulk of all space seems empty! It appears that
these invisible strings do not exist there. What fun!
(6) A shy homage to a famous poet and his wonderful poem.