Spin swirling pinwheels cities of stars.
Shining summits of never ending suns in the infinite swath of time.
Nebulous mists churning out suns.
Giving their glows of reds and blues, purplish hues, and glimmering golden yellows.
Bending back blinding black points where times light is eternally consumed.
Nuetrons pulsing out glows like light house beacons on unending sandy shores.
Ever silent you drift through the black void.
Dying orbs giving birth to clouds of untold eons.
Stars as numberous as the sands.
The attraction bends.
I am of your essence.
You twinkle in my mind.
And I can not fathom your immensity.
Nor would I wish too.
Your splender lies in your mystery.
I refuse to undermind your awe.