Game of Love
Birth is a copy of who you will be
Life is the creations of all you will see
Love is the soul that searches for another
Sight shows us which way to go
Hearing brings pleasurable sounds
Tasting ignites our stomach wants
Touching gives feelings of love
Smells give tasting more flavors
All start off and finish the same
It’s the in-between that is not the same
Some are winners and some losers
But in the end it’s how we play the game
If you cheat you will be caught
When you get caught you will pay the price
We are all actors playing different parts
Some will receive an academy award
Others get bored dropping out of the game
We sit across from one another competing
All wanting to win
Some go directly to jail and never pass go
Others end up in a stalemate with no where to go
This game of life is a real monopoly game
You may end up with a straight flush
Or roll the dice and end up with craps
There is only one way to win at this game
It’s a simple one-word scrabble game
It starts with an L and end with an E
If you can win at this scrabble game then
You will win at this game of Love
The O and the V stands for: Our Victory in Love