Game Over
I’m tired of what has become us. Today I will say good-bye to it all. The game has
ended. I don’t want to see you again. I want to forget that once upon a time there
use to be us. To me, we will never exist again, so as you walk out remember to
close the door to my heart and leave the key because never again will you be
allowed in it. Don’t even think about coming to the door again because as long
as I live the door will be close to you. You say that I should not’t blame you for
everything, that it was my fault too. Well, don’t worry I don’t blame you for anything,
I blame myself for everything. To me everything was my fault because I’m the one
that fell in love with you. That’s why I’m taking responsibility for my mistakes.
That’s why you are no longer allowed in the door. Leave now and don’t even turn
around for a last look.