Love Poem: Gate Closed
Mike Hobson Avatar
Written by: Mike Hobson

Gate Closed

As I return home from
Working away
I find peace in knowing
Now Here i can stay

But now that I'm here
 And your not waiting
This house that felt wholesome
 Is cold and so lonesome

I cook a big spread but it's 
Only me to be feed 
This house that felt wholesome
Is cold and so lonesome

I'm sure things will get better
But how long must I wait.....
before I can close this gate.

Its Behind this gate my emotions wait
To be set free,To be only for me
To be mine to control so I can feel Whole.
As each day that goes bye I can see our
Lie,our lie that was us,it is done it is dust.
My gate I can close and from here who knows
But your now in my past but you won't be my last.