Love Poem: Gathering Stars
John Rhinem Avatar
Written by: John Rhinem

Gathering Stars

As I intently peered into the darkened trope clouds, aligned amid the sky....

Holding this bottle of sins which formed; collected throughout ones nexus life?!

Casting it as far as I could into the deepest blue ocean to swallow and then, turning

Unto the Angels by my side whom stood upon indelibles fertile shore, smiling at me 

While the winds began their howl and the thunder its roar; lightning crashing at our feet....  

Twas then that peace and tranquillity spoke within gentle tones as I bowed upon my knee 

A pouring into the sand wherein this moment I rose when, beauty took hold softly my hand ~

My King, and my Lord as the glorious Angels began to laugh and my eyes did grow bright 

And pulling me into His loving heart He gently spoke, “Come, let Us go from this place....” 


....“To Gather The Stars” *