Do the May days roll into one long bank holiday?
The linearity of time banishing winter blues away
Sunscreen, icecream, flip flops, shades out
As they say until Mays over we should neer cast a clout
Should we listen to proverbs as old as the hills?
Or pretend this is Summer? Go out seeking thrills
June stops by, the only month with 3 birthstones
As our title dictates, how air sign spun
Mercurial, subject to sudden or unpredictable changes?
Unlike the May/ June weather, geminis exchanges
64 degrees F upon average in London, U.K
Forget Me Nots, sure influx
Annual Mysotosis Stricta, 1 year growing cycle
Otherwise known as Scorpion grasses, have muscle
These plants symbolise true love, true blue
Too, you I'm thinking of, make love new.