George Jargon
The cool.The night air.The mist.A breeze.The light.The stars.A kiss.A walk.
A stroll.A hint.A scent.A wish.A smile.A stare.A glance.A rain drop. A cloud.
A shower.A sunset.The dawn.A book.A song.A candle's glow.A fireplace.
A wall.A room.A pale color scheme.A bubble.A faucet drip. A cigar. The count
down.A wish A kiss.A pat on the back. A squat.A spot.A release.A drink.
Some gin.Some wine.A pomagranate.Some rum.Champagne.Love in vain.
A toast.The utmost.Imagination.Spooked Alone.The dark.A dim light. A
skeleton.A closet. Love tucked away.A rendezvous.A refuse.A sweet retreat.
A thick parfume.A message.Tlc.A lay. A midnight.Candlelight rendezvous.
TWO.US TWO.ME AND YOU.A smut game.A winner.A victor.A love that's
tame.The same.Opposites.Night into day.Window shopping.Indecision.
Beneath the moon.Sleep until noon.On the kitchen floor.By the fire place.
A blouse.A shirt.Some pants.A skirt.Silk.Satin.Linen.Lace.Fur.Leather.
Sweater.Suede.The daylight.Dawn.Daybreak.Sunday morn.Holywater.
Crispy bacon.China.Silver.Coffee.Tea.Sugar.Honey.Love's sweet treats.