Love Poem: Georgi the Boy From Russia
Andrew Crisci Avatar
Written by: Andrew Crisci

Georgi the Boy From Russia

On a quite Saturday morning, I decided not to take the usual stroll,
instead I took my nephew Claudio to the neighborhood's playground;
so proudly, he carried his brand new basketball;
delightfully crisp was the spring air...
there were pleasant sounds from everywhere...
I did not see a kid who was alone or sad.

Georgi, the boy from Russia, 
was very tiny, but had a gorgeous face
a witty smile and seeing Claudio
and a black kid play basketball, 
he asked his dad, a military guy
so confident and tall,
if he could join them...
he agreed and that kid sprang, 
taking the spot that was mine.

To my surprise, Georgi didn't speak a word of English,
but spoke Russian; he must have arrived 
in the Unites States recently, and he communicated 
with gestures very well...
making words unnecessary. 
I noticed, children don't have to speak the same language
to understand one another 
and express love through their innocence, isn't it amazing?

Written on May 28/ 2013