Love Poem: Georgia Brown 1898-1914
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Written by: Stark Hunter

Georgia Brown 1898-1914

Georgia Brown


We were the deathless dream dancers

The crazy girls with secrets and surprises!

Me and Nellie and Trudy and Olive.

We waited monthly for the full midnight moon

Waited with no words uttered

Our secret times together,

Times and moments never mentioned or known about,

By everyone we knew and did not know,

Except by us, the crazy girls

The deathless dream dancers, barefoot

With satin ribbons in our braids, 

We joined smooth perfumed hands and fingers

In old Clark Cemetery

Across Citrus Road over there,

As our sleepy snoozing town dreamed unawares,

And we danced silently, gracefully, freely,

As with the monarchs and the tiger swallowtails

Fluttering in the summer sunlight of our audacious youth,

Our sheer cotton dresses,

Lifting them up, and letting them fall, 

Again and again and again,

From the Hadley tombstone, and

Around the standing procession of desert palm trees

Around and around and around,

All the way over to the Hardy gravestone,

Me and the crazy girls!

We, the deathless dream dancers,

Keepers of secrets and surprises,

Saw something in the moon shadows there,

Something no one else has ever seen!

Yes, we saw the smile of Sappho

Carved with the knife of God

On the stone sepulcher of Roscoe Settle!