Ghost In the Crowd
I see it almost every day
People passing by each other
Crossing paths without connection
Criss-crossing up and down
Almost like an escalator at the mall.
Here I stand against the snow-white wall
Just glancing and watching people
Going about their business
As they go about life.
They keep moving up and down
Yet there are instances
That there is a click
Almost like linking keychains together
When I see good old friends chatting
As they walk and sip smoothies.
I wonder what it's like to have that
To just talk silly things and drink smoothies
On a lovely spring day, yet why does it seem cloudy
When I look around and see nobody beside me
Nor anyone taking notice of being there.
No matter where I go in public
To my favorite hangs and haunts
Nobody seems to recognize me
Nor acknowledge I'm there
Almost like they don't see me
Am I just invisible to them?
When I try to raise my voice
To let them know I'm here
Their voices swallow my own
I try to step out to show
But they pass through me.
Why does nobody know I'm here?
Why can't they see me?
Why won't they notice me?
Why won't they speak to me?
Why won't they acknowledge me?
No matter what I try
It goes unnoticed by all
As they keep walking
Chatting amongst themselves
Without seeing me at all.
Is there nobody to stop
Even for awhile to look my way?
To acknowledge that I'm here?
To lend a hand or strike a conversation?
Why won't they stop for me?
Is this the only path for me?
Am I doomed with this curse
To be shrouded from the world
Just a ghost in the crowd?