They vowed to be together till death,
Oh, that day was such a holy gift!
Both freely gave their selves to each other;
And received the gift of one another,
Hearts full of dreams they sailed the rough seas;
Their love they knew would bring them still peace;
Strong winds blew, rains fell, and thunders struck
With their pure love they never got stuck;
The changing weather continued to unfold;
A western wind zephyr blew the couples cold;
They found themselves no longer intertwined;
And sprung from each, passions of their own mind;
They danced to different tunes and speckled inspiration;
It seemed to be a dance of good synchronization;
And when they danced to the same melody;
They found themselves not in good harmony;
For they have valued their song of individuality;
Much that they can no longer delight in their affinity;
Their passion for each other quietly waned;
Like a dead leaf silently blown by the wind;
They sat together in utter sadness;
And asked why and where they have gone amiss;
They looked into each other’s sad eyes -
Is it an ember emitting lights?
They whispered sincerely to the flickering glow;
Bright it became; and slowly it burned their deep woe,
They found their true gifts and gifted each other;
A warm encounter they thought was a bother;
The music of their bodies sang melodiously;
Without any word they expressed so delightfully;
“Forgive me”, as they exchanged glances
“Forgive me, too”, as they held their hands
Grateful lyrics of “thank you” echoes;
As they exchanged an impassioned kiss;
“Let us stay together and grow in love”
Reverberated as their hands tight-clasped;
This holy gift worth more than earth's gold -
God, they will never again withhold.