Gift For the Ages
Co-written with Linda-Marie Bariana P.E.P.S. “Sweetheart”
How fitting that One from A town so small
is our soon coming Lord and King.
Worthy is He to be adored by all;
our lives to Him daily we bring.
Born in the crude stables of Bethlehem,
no grand palace for Him in this life.
No temporal rule for Him among men
but His reign brings an end to all strife.
He came as the prophecies so proclaimed,
this One descended of King David’s line.
He is the Name above every name
and shall be throughout and beyond all time.
So precious was that One tiny Babe
as He lay in a manger of straw.
His blessed birth was a life that He gave,
obedient to His Father, fulfilling Heavenly Law.
Adored by three Wise Men who traveled afar,
worshiped by simple shepherds was He,
As guidance was drawn from a bright, shining star
On a memorable and holy Christmas Eve.
While blessings were fashioned from His tiny hand
preparing all hearts to receive,
Salvation extended throughout the land,
to all, who, in Him would believe.
A Child in a manger invited each one
to a celebration of unending joy and peace.
A cherished gift offered from Father to Son,
humanity’s treasure, never to cease.