Love Poem: Gifts I Cherish

Gifts I Cherish

many a Christmas gifts from past I cherish,
                    admiringly look and fondly reminisce,
                    from years ago one pleasant and unique,
                    brings tears to my eyes, tenderly I gaze.

                     admiringly look and fondly reminisce, 
                     it's an engraved picture in a golden frame,
                     brings tears to my eyes, tenderly I gaze,
                     gift I received from my beloved student

                     it's an engraved picture in a golden frame
                     knocking at the door a dainty little lass, 
                     gift I received from my beloved student
                     never forgot that gleaming radiant face.

                      knocking at the door a dainty little lass
                      her companion - a delightful feisty duck
                      never forgot that gleaming radiant face, 
                      who adored her teacher as a shining star 

                     her companion - a delightful feisty duck
                     a picturesque landscape surrounding her, 
                     who adored her teacher as a shining star
                     memory of a rookie kindergarten teacher 

                     a picturesque landscape surrounding her
                     Christmas gifts bring memories of rejoicing,
                     memory of a rookie kindergarten teacher
                     many a Christmas gifts from past I cherish

                                      December 1, 2021
                   For " A Christmas Gift Memory Poetry" Contest
                                  Sponsor: BJ Legros Kelley