Love Poem: Gin And Tears
Mike Gentile Avatar
Written by: Mike Gentile

Gin And Tears

And as I reach my end of years
       I’ve come to know my gin and tears
A pleasant cocktail, I suppose
             As time, that mighty river flows 

Yet, not for sadness in my cup
                  This combination sums it up
But rather sweet and salty times
  That brought me all the best of rhymes

Reflections with an added twist
                         A tonic of a potent mist
For life’s true reverie is clear
           In all I’ve lived and loved so dear

So gin and tears I recommend  
              When all alone or with a friend
A nice, tall glass will do me fine
          I love the life that has been mine  

I hope again in ten years’ days
           As flowers grow and music plays
I’ll sip away, no matter where
           With gratitude and love to spare