Love Poem: Gitti Ghetto Like That

Gitti Ghetto Like That

I loved a suburban woman,
but she didn’t urban love me
as deeply as a brother needs

She said I was too ghetto
But my bank account said
I was qualified gated community

CitiBank gitti ghetto said it, not me

Me and the peer pale woman I loved
first met at a posh mall eatery — 
Prime strip real estate Stick country

I placed a Goshen order well done,
she chose the rarest choice portion
Cultural umbilical enamel taste separation
can truly spoil a light-hearted, chit-chat appetizer
before the main course serious conversation 
can be debate served

But we paid for the interracial mis-communication
with a blank checkered past de facto acceptance

However, piano key BF minor note playas,
didn’t like this soul tune Neapolitan love flavor
And her ivory ears lemming listened to others’ ebony fears,
but I chastised my street kin vanilla skin haters

I told my suburban love,
she's too weak of a good woman
to let bad influences dictate what she need
Say who she shouldn't be with ... or who she should be
This hurt her deeply, real personal
She just couldn’t rise above
her environmental bigot barometric pressure

Her parting words were straight suburban truth — 
I was way too ghetto fear proof!
Soul understanding is a beautiful natural fact ...
life goes on: and tears roll gitti ghetto like that